Cyber Security Archives - TalentSprint TalentSprint Blog Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:10:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cyber Security Archives - TalentSprint 32 32 Cyber Security Career: Myths and Opportunities Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:10:58 +0000 We spend more time in the cyber-world than in the real world. As technology evolves, this is expected to skew further in favour of the former. The last decade has seen a major transformation in the way we live our lives – from analogue to digital. This has also led to a surge in cybercrimes […]

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We spend more time in the cyber-world than in the real world. As technology evolves, this is expected to skew further in favour of the former. The last decade has seen a major transformation in the way we live our lives – from analogue to digital. This has also led to a surge in cybercrimes around the world. According to some experts, the next few years will see cybercrimes triple in number. Hence, we would need cyber security professionals to be ahead of the criminals.

Around 3.5 million cyber security jobs will be unfilled by 2021 ~Cybersecurity Ventures

Unfortunately, bridging this gap is not going to be easy. While the IT industry is working hard towards addressing this issue, many companies have started training their existing IT workforce to help manage their cyber security requirements. While this is a golden opportunity for any aspiring cyber security professional, the industry is marred by certain myths that are keeping learners away. In this article, we will bust those myths with reason, logic, and numbers.

Myth #1: You need a technical qualification to start a career in cyber security.


You can start a career in cyber security with non-technical positions too. Some such positions are technical writing, cyber policy analyst, etc. Once you start exploring the industry, you will find several non-technical positions that can help you make a career in cyber security.

Myth #2: It is for young employees only


Call it an influence of the movies where most cyber security experts are teenagers, there is no known correlation between age and cyber security practices. In fact, being a successful cyber security professional demands a thinking individual who can fix problems and get to the root of the cause. Teenagers might be more comfortable with technology but that does not make them the only set of people who can excel in cyber security.

Myth #3: This industry only hires experts in their fields


Any industry would love having only experts, but that is not practical. If you desire a career in cyber security, then you need to pick a path and stick to it. Technical or non-technical, this industry seeks people who are willing to put hard work into their careers, are determined, focused, and always willing to learn. Experts are not born out overnight, they are good learners in their jobs.

Myth #4:It can take years to learn basic skills to become a cyber security professional


There are many good cybersecurity programs that span 6-12 months. For example, TalentSprint in association with IIT Kanpur offers an Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense. This is a 6-month hands-on program with seven main areas of focus:

  1. Shock and Awe
  2. Access Control
  3. Data Security
  4. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
  5. Intrusion Detection System
  6. Honeypot
  7. Software Diagnosis

The program offers an optimum combination of academic proficiency along with a practical approach to help them master the skills that are in-demand in the cyber security industry.

Myth #5:Only big companies hire cyber security professionals


Smaller organizations are often the target because they think they are safe and therefore don’t invest in proper cyber security systems. If an organization is digitally connected, it’s already under the radar of hackers. This also explains the growing need for cyber security professionals among SMBs.

58% of data breach targets are small businesses
~ 2019 Data Breach Investigations ReportVerizon.

In a world where skills are abundant and job opportunities are shrinking, cybersecurity is an industry that is looking for professionals with cutting-edge knowledge and willingness to learn and grow with the industry. A career that allows you to be a part of the industry that makes the world a safer place is rewarding in all aspects. With these myths busted, we hope that you consider joining this industry and equip yourself with the necessary tools to fight cyber threats.

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Top 5 Challenges to the Adoption of Cyber Security Thu, 14 Sep 2023 07:42:17 +0000 Cyber security is like any other security – you don’t realize its importance unless you need it. In the digitized world, it will be safe to say that every company is a tech-based company. Even if it doesn’t sell technology-based products or services, it uses technology to run and manage the business. In fact, with […]

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Cyber security is like any other security – you don’t realize its importance unless you need it. In the digitized world, it will be safe to say that every company is a tech-based company. Even if it doesn’t sell technology-based products or services, it uses technology to run and manage the business. In fact, with the world evolving into a unified marketplace, an increasing number of companies have branches or employees spread across the globe. Hence, most organizations leverage the internet to keep their processes running.

Having said this, it is also essential to understand the growing number of cybercrimes and the ever-increasing cybercriminal-ecosystem. In such a landscape, cyber security needs to become an integral part of every business. However, cyber security in India is still in its nascent stages. Let’s look at the top 5 challenges to the adoption of cyber security among professionals and businesses. Today, we will talk about five major challenges to the adoption of cyber security in India.

Cyber security is treated as an ‘IT’ problem and not a ‘Business’ problem

The first challenge to the adoption of any technology or service is the mind-set of the stakeholders. In India, typically, any problem associated with the technology is branded as an ‘IT” problem. Business owners assume that the IT department will take care of the problem and it will be business-as-usual soon. However, if the IT department is not equipped with the right resources (equipment or human resources), then there can be times when it can fail to fend off a cyber-attack. When that happens, businesses spring into action attempting damage control and realizing their folly.

In 2019, the average cost of a data breach was Rs.119 million, up 8% from 2017. 

IBM Security

Lack of Capable Cyber Security Professionals

In recent years, many organizations are realizing the importance of cyber security and have been trying to ramp up their processes and human resources to keep them protected against online threats. However, the number of available professionals far outweighs the demand.

According to some market reports, India might need around 1 million cyber security professionals by 2020 (let’s say 2021 considering the COVID-19 pandemic). This is where institutes like TalentSprint have joined hands with the industry & academia  to offer structured programs in cyber security, focused on creating competent professionals to meet this demand.

Friendly Regulations

Regulators in India are taking active note of the increasing cyber-attacks and formulating guidelines and frameworks for implementing comprehensive cyber security mechanisms in organizations. But there is still a lot of scope for granular and sector-specific regulations. Further, with data being exchanged across borders, Indian regulators also need to keep in sync with the global norms. Moreover, compliance parameters and processes are yet to see a concrete shape.

Increasing Dependency on Third-Party Vendors

Even companies who dedicate time and resources for cyber security can lose sensitive data if the third-party vendors used by them get hacked. There is an increasing dependency on third-party vendors for cost and process-efficiency. Unless there is a culture of cyber security in the market, the adoption rates will be low.

Awareness and Readiness

Two main aspects that need to be addressed to increase the adoption of cyber security in India are awareness and adoption. Organizations need to know the potential losses they can face if their systems get hacked or infected with a virus or malware. They also need to stay abreast of the latest cyber security processes adopted by organizations around the world. Once they are aware and ready to accept cyber security as an integral part of their core processes, adoption would be easier, comprehensive, and more effective.

Summing Up

The common thread among all these challenges is the people factor. Are they aware, trained, and capable of recognizing and dealing with cyber-threats? In essence, it boils down to empowering people.

TalentSprint with its Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense is helping professionals become cyber security experts with cutting-edge knowledge and guidance from IIT Kanpur. 

As people realize the importance of this growing technology, we will soon have an ecosystem that has cyber security as an essential corporate pillar.

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Cyber Security Program: Top 3 reasons for the success of the 1st Cohort Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:40:16 +0000 There is a lot of latent demand in the market but there are two other factors catalyzing the success of such programs. The COVID-19 outbreak has not only caused massive global disruption, but it has also altered the entire global workforce and the cyber security landscape. The world now has moved to Cloud and remote models […]

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There is a lot of latent demand in the market but there are two other factors catalyzing the success of such programs.

The COVID-19 outbreak has not only caused massive global disruption, but it has also altered the entire global workforce and the cyber security landscape. The world now has moved to Cloud and remote models unprecedentedly since the onslaught of COVID19.

The way people work has changed. Data and processes are no longer confined to any visible perimeter. The direction ahead also hints at the continued penetration of remote-work and telework in many industries. But the shift to cloud and other platforms comes with its own set of security challenges. Hackers don’t discriminate between a large and small business. No one is immune to a cyber attack. Today’s glut of digital data means advanced cyber security measures are more crucial than ever.

Cyber Security: the most in-demand skill, post COVID-19

Industry reports are pointing out that cyber security roles would be the first to be hired post-lockdown as soon as enterprises resume work at full pace. The third annual survey of 750 cybersecurity and IT professionals worldwide (KPMG-Oracle’s Cloud Threat, 2020) reveals that right now there is a crisis of confidence due to a patchwork approach to data security, mis-configured services and confusion around new cloud security models. IT professionals are three times more concerned about the security of company financials and IP than their home security. As many as 80% observed that recent data breaches suffered by other businesses have nudged everyone towards better protection of data.

That explains the phenomenal success of the Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense. Delivered in partnership with one of the country’s premium institutes – IIT Kanpur. The Program’s first cohort of 40 professionals commenced in November 2019. The curriculum is designed to enable professionals to build solutions to the challenges the IT security industry is confronting.

The 1st Cohort saw professionals from many blue-chip companies from sectors like Technology, Consulting, Finance, and Insurance  enrolling for the Program. Names like KPMG, Honeywell, Cisco, Cognizant, Ola etc. were part of this new format. Highest enrolment included professionals with 10+ years of experience.

What propelled these cohort classes to elevated levels of success?

  1. This is not any run-of-the-mill  program but is created with meticulous attention to the actual challenges and trends that cyber security professionals have to be ready for. To add to that, the cohort sessions accelerate the candidates on the career path with latest skills and gap-fillers that a busy, on-the-job life may not always make it easy for them to catch up on.
  2. The format is executive-friendly, hands-on and rich with opportunities for interaction and collaboration.

The expertise in cyber security cannot be honed the old way. Instead, such capabilities would have to be built up with a new-age Program and with deeper exposure to real-world issues.

Going forward, these professionals will be the new front-line leaders after lockdowns ease. More than ever, this is the right time for professionals to exploit the new demand that is only going to gather more force as organizations move into the ‘new world’. And that’s where they would need the right professionals and expertise by their side.

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The Digital World Needs Cyber Security Professionals Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:20:02 +0000 In the Industry Immersion Event, Britto Sidhan, General Manager (Global Security Lab), Schneider Electric, shared an interesting observation on how the global talent shortage in Cyber Security can become a goldmine for aspirants. Especially to those planning to launch their tech career or professionals looking for a career switch. Cyber Security has changed the world […]

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In the Industry Immersion Event, Britto Sidhan, General Manager (Global Security Lab), Schneider Electric, shared an interesting observation on how the global talent shortage in Cyber Security can become a goldmine for aspirants. Especially to those planning to launch their tech career or professionals looking for a career switch.

Cyber Security has changed the world we live in now. From the 1990s’ challenges of server-side attacks and Windows OS threats; to client-side attacks and hacking in 2000, we have seen both the attackers and the defenders evolving. In the 2010s, this landscape leaned towards supply chain attacks. However, as we navigate 2021, we are already witnessing a new genre of threats across the web and email security (grew 12.5 percent in 2021), 5G network, authentication, and authorization. 

Cyber Security: A Growing Menace
Looking at some recent stats on Cyber Security, CheckPoint reported that global cyber attacks increased by 29 percent as hackers continued to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift to remote work. It also predicted that for the remaining half of 2021, one should be ready by all means as more is yet to come. Ransomware will rise despite law enforcement stepping up. Hackers would use penetration tools – they would give the hackers the ability to customize attacks ‘on the fly.’ We might see more collateral damage, too. In another analysis, Ransomware attacks made up 22 percent of all reported Cyber Security incidents in the first half of 2021, as per some estimates from CybSafe. The fact that many companies undertook hybrid workplaces and digital transformation – only added the dangers from Cyber Security gaps. And it costs—a lot.

The need for more defense
The forceful switch from Work from Office to Work from Home because of COVID-19 has sped up the need for Cyber Security professionals worldwide. But, unfortunately, hackers and scammers outnumber these Cyber Security pros and as a result, cyber-attacks have surged during the pandemic. 

In a recent Industry Immersion Event, Britto Sidhan, General Manager (Global Security Lab), Schneider Electric, shared an interesting observation on how this global talent shortage can become a goldmine for aspirants planning to launch their tech career or professionals looking for a career switch.

Britto Sidhan, General Manager (Global Security Lab), Schneider Electric, shares an interesting observation on how the global talent shortage in Cyber Security.

To bridge the ever-expanding security gap today, nearly 4 million Cyber Security professionals are needed worldwide. We need both Blue teams and Red teams to help the defense posture. The Red team takes care of penetration testing; identifies, and exploits potential weaknesses in an enterprise’s cyber defenses; and undertakes risk assessments. In addition, it can handle attempts to compromise networks using the same software and tactics as used by real-world adversaries. As to the Blue team – this one takes care of implanting controls, guiding the IT security team on improvement areas for stopping sophisticated attacks. In addition, they handle security monitoring, conduct host and network-based analysis to identify the source and destination of an attack.

Today there are a lot of gamified platforms, cyber-drills, and bug-bounty programs where professionals can elevate and demonstrate their skills in Cyber Security. They are also promising avenues for recruitment. 

Saddle up
If you aspire to be part of this exciting frontier and help enterprises have a strong security posture, there are many ways and programs to hone your expertise. Apart from technical proficiency, a good Cyber Security professional would also need strong communication skills, problem-solving skills, technical aptitude, hacking knowledge, and command over languages like Python and Java. Some proven cutting-edge Cyber Security programs and lots of passion can speed up your way to an attractive career path. It is an area that will always be intellectually stimulating because of constant innovation and competition.

The landscape will change again in the next decade, as always. But the need for good  Cyber Security professionals will keep growing. 

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